23 April 2009

Peep watch

My homie Beerad, living a newly itinerant life, has set up a blog to document his travels. Go check it out! It’s guaranteed to be interesting or he owes you a deep-fried chili dog or something.

In other peep news, we saw the ever-elusive Sashe this past weekend! How funny to have a friend from freaking Malaysia be the first person to see the new crib. I subjected him to some Halo 3 playing, and he subjected us to this incredibly addictive (as in, danger of losing your job addictive) online game. I am warning you, don’t click on the link. Or if you can’t resist, kiss your spouse farewell—and mute your speakers.

15 April 2009


Well, I spent a day off of work today doing two very important things: mailing my damn tax returns, and clearing crap out of the old condo. Success on both fronts!

It is pretty sad to see the condo all empty. Funny, it looks much more worn around the edges than it did when it was full of our stuff. I wonder if this is why brokers don’t like to sell vacant properties: because every scuff mark and dull spot just sticks out. It makes me realize that the place was nice in large part because it was home. And now home is somewhere else, and that’s the nice place now. (Although complete, box-filled chaos.)

At this point there are just a few last things to get, and a final round of vacuuming, and then that tragic chapter in life will be closed. How weird, how awful. Thank heavens it’s almost entirely in the rear-view mirror. These last couple of weeks have just been a full-on sprint.