17 August 2007

Fitness is a harsh mistress

It’s been a bad week for sports, at least in the most local sense. Sunday afternoon I fell off my bike only three miles into a planned 30-mile ride in Gloucester, which gave me a nasty road rash on my knee and forced us to turn around and limp back to the car. It was a dumb fall and luckily pretty minor as crashes go—nothing like the one from the 2006 Tour de France I’ve embedded here.

All week I’ve had a front-row view to the healing process as I’ve been wearing these space-age clear bandages. They’re definitely not for the faint of heart, as you can imagine.

In other news we managed to get our butts kicked bad in the doubles tennis league last night. Our opponents seemed beatable but just never made a mistake, whereas we made plenty. Now we’re 0-2 and I’m feeling kind of demoralized about the whole thing. Although I did a good job returning the guy’s ridiculous spin serves and even hit a few winners. Our third match is this Sunday, and man I hope things go better. It’s tough, though, because I thought we were better than this and it’s a nasty surprise to find out otherwise. At the very least I can only imagine that I’m giving these opponents at least a little bit of a challenge.

Well, it’s nearly the weekend again and time to try and redeem myself. Here’s hoping there’s less blood drawn and more games won.


Anonymous said...

Try staying in bed.

Snorklewacker said...

Dude. You might have something there - see the latest post for confirmation of your wisdom!

Anonymous said...

Ouch! I'm glad you weren't travelling at the supersonic speed you hit this summer.