17 December 2007

Greetings from Narita

I’m currently sitting in Narita airport in Tokyo, operating on about two hours’ sleep, and my internal clock says it’s about three in the morning, just to keep you all informed. The long flight from Minneapolis to Tokyo wasn’t actually as bad as I thought it could be, though. Swami and I snagged one of the rows right at the back of the plane that has only two seats across, so it was nice not to have to share a row with anyone else. I saw a cool sunset out the window of the plane when we landed—picture forthcoming when I get back home.

Edited on 30 Dec. to add: here’s the photo.

Now it’s on to Manila, an additional four hours in the air that’ll probably seem much more like punishment. And the Great Asian Adventure of 2007 begins!


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that you are safe so far.
I hope the ducks are safe too. Danielle must be a baby duck-hater!!

Danielle said...

Yeah, fuck those baby ducks and their fuzzy, cute little waddling asses!

(My other hobby is clubbing baby seals.)

I am very excited that you're in foreign climes! Yay!

Snorklewacker said...

Relax, TJ, the ducks are safe from me. Danielle, any duck embryos you have it in for are going to have to be consumed by you personally - yeek!

And btw, I should add to this posting that Narita actually sucked, despite my display of fortitude above. Right after I posted that, I got all dizzy and felt like crap. I guess the jet lag caught up to me at that point. But things are better now! More posts later.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that you are feeling better.
Stick with the safest food/water you can find. It may be boring, but "boring and healthy" is a million times better than "exciting and sick".

Danielle said...

But 'safe food' is so boooooooooring... Let's compromise, Marika. You can eat something weird that's been boiled for a long time. For me! ;)

Anonymous said...

I've heard that fried farm frogs are the in thing in Manila these days. Also remember Raoul drooling when he spoke about chicken embryo -- Balut, I think.

Live free or die hard! Ok, just kidding. We want to see you again.

Give our best to R.