29 October 2007

A bit of rantiness

Awright, a few things large and small that are torquing me today.

  1. Dude on the bus who rides all the way to the last stop, but stands right at the front for the whole trip. Every poor soul who wants to get on or off before the last stop has to squeeze by this guy even though there are acres of space further back where he could stand. Hey prick, think of someone besides yourself for twenty whole minutes, ok?

  2. I can only read Glenn Greenwald every couple of weeks, to keep my teeth-grinding to a minimum. Bombing Iran? A politicized military? Crazy Rudy Giuliani and his defense of torture? It keeps me up at night.

  3. Caitlin Flanagan. Why, why, why does the Atlantic keep printing her silliness? I cannot stand her self-centered, frail flower of womanhood crap. A blog would serve her so much better, where she could blab about herself without having to maintain the pretense that she’s writing about topics of broad relevance.

  4. The phishing email I got today that included my email address, my eBay ID, and my full name. What the hell is that? Time to change a few passwords and hope for the best. And let’s see if I get any kind of response from eBay now that I’ve reported it to them.


Danielle said...

I have reached the stage with public transport where I have become quietly rage-filled on practically every trip. It's not that relaxing, all that close contact with your fellow human beings...

Anonymous said...

Let's complain about mass transit. The Sox win the World Series. Boston plans a parade. Shouldn't the MBTA add more commuter rail service so that suburbanites can get in to / out of the city?
Well, they kept to the standard schedule and the trains were packed. What a mess.

Snorklewacker said...

One can never have too much suppressed rage about mass transit! TJ, that's totally sucky. But we all know the MBTA are a bunch of chimpanzees. And commuter rail is the red-headed stepchild of the whole crazy system. Then again, I have to snicker anytime I see somebody reading a bus schedule. Schedule? Hah!