20 January 2009

Inauguration Day

What a pleasure it was to watch Dubya’s helicopter flying away from Washington. It’s time to scrub off the grime of the last eight years and get to work finding what has been lost, rebuilding what has been destroyed, righting what has been upset, and healing what has been harmed.

18 January 2009

Ah, damn

Last night we were stymied in our attempt to see Slumdog Millionaire—the lines for tickets were waaay too long, I guess because of Notorious or somesuch, so we decided to hit dinner instead at the most delectable Rod Dee 2. Well, imagine the shock when we came upon its location on Peterborough St. The whole row of buildings that had once been a bunch of cool restaurants had burned down! Here’s the Globe story; here’s the Herald; here’s a blog post where in the comments many people mourn the loss of all those joints.

It’s really a drag, not even so much for us, since we went there maybe a few times a year, but for the neighborhood, which was made special by all that life packed into the narrow streets of the Fenway. But I really, really hope that I find Pad Ka Na somewhere that was as good as Rod Dee’s. Salty, spicy, with lots of Chinese broccoli…mmm. I did just learn that a third Rod Dee location appeared recently near Washington Square in Brookline, so now it’s imperative to check it out.

Once again life reminds us that things never freaking stay the same.

02 January 2009

Batting practice

Well, during this long week off (not long enough, actually!), there’s been just a little bit of time spent playing Halo 3 online. Just a little bit. I figured out how to take screenshots, so here are a couple. You can either shake your head and wonder what the heck this silliness is all about, or if you’re kaskasero you can feel incredibly jealous!

In the first one, I am actually missing the target of my gravity hammer strike, but the ensuing effect was cool so I took a pic of it.

In the second one, well, this is what happens when you actually make contact. Whammmm!