11 April 2008

Disillusionment of the day

Hmph, I just learned over here that what everybody calls wasabi is not actually real wasabi, but some kind of concoction using regular horseradish. More can be read about this diabolical conspiracy here. I feel cheated!

Although this will in no way prevent me from having huge sushi cravings at least once a week. And there’s a restaurant in Waltham named Ponzu that serves little nuclear bombs called wasabi pork dumplings, which are basically (faux-) wasabi laced pork meatballs wrapped in wonton wrappers. They are evil, they are delicious, they will kick your ass and make you cry for your mommy. Who could refuse food that does all that? If you survive, you feel like the ultimate stud; if you die, well, you died eating a pork meatball. An anecdote for the ages!


Danielle said...

I knew this, because I heard a radio interview: there's a boutique Real-Wasabi-Grower in NZ who is having a great deal of difficulty selling his nice organic product to local Japanese fooderies, because it isn't bright green!

There's some kind of (depressing) life lesson in that.

Anonymous said...

You've been eating fake wasabi, your friends whispered about you behind your back, and your parents lied to you.
Any other dreams that you want shattered?

Snorklewacker said...

D: See, there's another reason why NZ is so cool: organic wasabi growers. Although that's offset by the populace's need for wasabi to be neon green, as you point out. Maybe it's a wash.

TJ: Tell me the weather will never, ever be decent on the weekend again. I'm already two-thirds of the way to believing it. Damn New England weather!