07 November 2006

Blogger says: no birthday for you!

My post wishing Sashe a happy birthday, posted on the exact day and everything, has just disappeared. I have just spent the last half hour saving all my damn posts, in case the whole thing goes up in smoke someday. Fellow bloggers, if you have any interest in posterity, I guess this proves you don’t leave it up to Blogspot.


Sashe said...

He he. I saw the post actually, and tried to leave a comment, but it wouldn't let me. Thanks for the wishes! As for the T's I've been getting, I think it's a league wide epidemic. Should settle down soon enough. It was nice to be #1 for a day though :)

Snorklewacker said...

Well, I'm glad you saw it! Raoul gets all the credit for remembering, though. :)

As for the fantasy ball, I dropped like 15 points in one day. In both of the leagues I'm in. It was carnage, I tell you, carnage. I've already resorted to picking up weird foreign dudes I've never heard of and it's only week 2.