19 June 2007

Tag, I'm it

All right, I got tagged by kaskasero last week and it’s high time I got around to responding.

Instructions: Each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to write on their own blog about their seven things, as well as these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose 7 people to get tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them that they have been tagged and to read your blog!

1. I am completely hopeless for the rest of the day if I don’t get breakfast (usually some healthy kind of cereal drowned in a huge bowl of milk).

2. I used to sleepwalk when I was a little kid. I’d walk downstairs and talk to my parents while asleep, or engage in my favorite sleepwalking activity of trying to flush my pajamas down the toilet.

3. In 1988 I won tickets to a Howard Jones concert in a radio contest by correctly identifying a lyric from Poison’s “Talk Dirty to Me.” In 1993 (or 1994?) I won tickets to a Cracker concert by identifying the difference between a reflecting and a refracting telescope.

4. Despite my rep as a worldly, cosmopolitan chick, I’ve never been overseas (not counting Canada, here).

(Editorial comment: This is a lot harder than it looks!)

5. My pie-in-the-sky dream job would be professional musician. My somewhat-more-feasible-but-still-unlikely dream job would be book designer or editor at a saner place than where I am now.

6. My first single was a 45 of Thomas Dolby’s “She Blinded Me with Science.”

7. Last but not least, in the spirit of kaskasero’s revelation, my Halo gameplaying handle is Fang. Although I haven’t played Halo in ages, too busy with Morrowind!

Now my true confession: I don’t know seven bloggers to tag! But I’ll call out Lifton, Danielle, and Frantix. Make me proud, guys. (TJ, if you’re reading this, you could always post your 7 to my comments if ya want.)


Anonymous said...

1. I think fish make the best pets.

2. I consider Mother Nature to be a pain in the ass. Mosquitos with West Nile virus, poison ivy, ticks carrying lyme disease... Give me concrete and asphalt.

3. As my age increases, my coolness decreases. I'm close to nothing now, but I used to be the sh*t.

4. I enjoy Food TV. I like to watch others cook. I'm amazed at the effort and time that some people will devote to making food that will be consumed in 15 minutes.

5. I've purchased music based solely on the album cover, and some of it is great.

6. I'm in the video for the song Radio Clash. The video shows footage related to The Clash playing at Bonds International Casino in NYC in 1981. There's a crowd shot taken from a helicopter of people in line for tickets. I'm in there somewhere. I stood in line with 2 friends for around 8 hours. It was a blast.

7. I like hardtop cars. I think convertibles are cool for around 15 minutes, but then they are noisy and windy. When I need fresh air, I roll down the windows. It works great.

Danielle said...

Awright, peeps:


Also, TJ: I do not recommend visiting New Zealand, or me, no matter how much I would enjoy said visit. Many pets, a lot of nature. It would suck for you. :)

Snorklewacker said...

TJ, re your #5 - I almost did that myself, I think it was something by the Mighty Lemon Drops. I still don't know what I missed, though - I was too chicken!

PLU said...

Ooh, ooh....can I play????

1. I've been to probably two hundred plus football (soccer) games as a fan and can barely remember a single incident from any of them, and yet I can relive the last half hour of the Sunday of the Trent Bridge Test against South Africa in 1998 as if it were yesterday.

2. My parents refused to let me go see Bob Marley play at Crystal Palace Bowl back in 1980 - I reasoned that I could catch him next time around. It turned out to be his last London show :-(

3. I turned down the chance to see XTC on the English Settlement tour - I reasoned that I could catch them on the next tour. They never toured again!

4. I came back from a holiday in St Lucia with a cassette given to me, after some considerable pleading, by the manager/barman of the hotel I had been staying at. It included the now infamous "Who Let the Dogs Out?" Where are they now? For that matter, where's that cassette now?

5. I was working at a pub that was visited one evening by Paul Gascoigne and various other Spurs players - they were drinking "BMWs" (Baileys, Malibu and Whisky) and insisted that I have one myself each round. I don't remember the train ride home!

6. Dessicated Coconut makes me retch.

7. The best recipe books in the world are Madhur Jaffreys' - I love cooking Indian Food and have recently even dared to cook for people outside of my family. Come by any time!!!

Can't tag anyone, except Maria maybe???

Snorklewacker said...

Welcome, Chris! Glad to see you in blogspace. Regarding your #2 and 3, I feel your pain... I was too young and couldn't drive when Crowded House played near me back in 1988-89, and by the time I saw them in 1994 Paul had quit the band. Heavy sigh.

How can you dislike coconut and love Indian food, you crazy person? South Indian is the bestest. I'll only forgive you if you cook for me.

PLU said...

That's the thing, you see! Coconut itself, the flesh, coconut milk, even the water, is great!!! And I love dishes prepared with it and cook with it frequently, but dessicated coconut is the worst thing I can imagine! Especially in a chocolate!
