28 July 2008

Some geek talk

I should be hitting the sack, but I gots some free association geekery to drop. First off, must link to this interesting interview with Alan Moore. Weirdest, coolest dude.

Next, wanted to link to the Watchmen trailer. I hope Moore is wrong and that the movie does justice to the book. Hope hope.

Finally, been thinking about getting one of these. For when my Palm finally dies. And to go with the MacBook I’ve been thinking about. (I think there’s a longer post in me about my Computers I Have Loved, so I won’t go into detail about the MacBook plan here.) But someday I think my affair with Palm is going to have to end, since my Tungsten E has lasted far longer and been far more trusty than most people have experienced with theirs. It seems crazy, but what I really need is a personal organizer, not a music player or kewl web surfing device. But why not have all three? Yeah, I sound like Steve Jobs’ bitch, don’t I. It pains me, but to some extent it is true.

On that note, time to put the computer and myself to sleep!


Danielle said...

32GB? I scorn your 32GB! :)

Anonymous said...

I must be nuts for being satisfied with a mobile phone that's just a phone.

rr said...

Apple is eveeeeeeeeeeel. ;)

Btw, nice article about Moore.

Snorklewacker said...

Ah, you guys are all haters. :)

Yeah yeah, 32GB would suck if I were looking for an MP3 player. But I'm not, really... just a device to enable my anal-retentive ways. And Apple is eeevil, true, true, but it's a good kind of evil!