11 January 2011

2010 in Review

So what the heck was I up to for 2010, that I wasn’t in here posting? The answer becomes pretty damn clear, really, when I break it down by the numbers. For some background reference, you can compare this to the recap post for 2009.

Miles bicycled: 745.33

Minutes of tennis played: 16,960 (5,590 more than 2009!)

Movies seen in the theater:
True Grit
The Fighter
Black Swan

Wonders I can’t believe I didn’t already know about:
Flight of the Conchords
Cooking meat in a slow cooker

Hopes for 2011:
A clearer view of what happens next for me job-wise
Achieving a 3.5 NTRP rating
(Okay, neither of those changed from 2009. Er?)

Something we all still need:

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