25 February 2007

Home is anywhere: Weeks 3-4 recap

I’m conflating the last two weeks into one post because nothing happened over last weekend, except the place that might have been The One went under agreement to somebody else. Ah, well. This weekend was a survey of places fitting the cramped city-living description, none of which really sang to me. I mean, I can’t argue with location, location, etc., except when it means slanty floors and ceilings so low that I could touch them. One of the other places had balconies with views of downtown Boston, but also of every ugly billboard and smokestack in between. I would dearly love to get this part of the process over with and just make an offer on something, but nothing is hitting the sweet spot yet and I don’t feel ready to compromise yet. Meanwhile, I’m trying not to get frustrated as I am awakened every day by the clog-dancing moose upstairs, and I could have gone cycling this afternoon if I hadn’t been tramping around gawking at flawed real estate. I guess there has to be a darkness before the proverbial dawn, but bleah. Current keyword: angst. Will something pop up this week that works? Man do I hope so.


Anonymous said...

We looked for the perfect place for 6 months. We never found it. So, we bought the "close enough" place. We've been there for 13 years now.
Life is a series of compromises.

Snorklewacker said...

Thirteen years, whoa. That was four places ago for me!

Frank Viva said...

We searched for 3 years and found the perfect place.
I'm not altogether sure that it was worth the effort. It only seems so for breif moments now and then. But those moments are memorable. I will say that.