19 March 2007

God give me strength

I don’t think I can write coherent sentences as this point; time for a list. Here’s what’s been going on since the last update.

—Nerve-racking home inspection
—Most things fine, a couple not fine
—Tense couple of days waiting for the seller to decide whether to fix stuff
—Transferring large amounts of money around
—Meeting with lawyer
—Hashing out the details of the mortgage application
—Scheduling the pest inspection
—Seller agrees to repair major problems
—Meeting with other unit’s owners
—Signing approximately 17,000 places on mortgage application
—Hashing out the details of the Purchase and Sale agreement
—Not sleeping particularly well at night
—Neighbors’ racket continuing to provide only motivation for this crazy plan
—Considering alcoholism

That about covers it!


Anonymous said...

Keep the faith. The story will have a happy ending.

Anonymous said...

What! Only 17000 signatures? You got a good deal. Obviously.

Snorklewacker said...

I appreciate the optimism, lads. The last two days have been INSANE. Remind me why I'm putting myself through this??

Danielle said...

Oh god, I have been remiss with you too! I hope it's better today...