19 June 2008

Congratulations KG

I’m not a huge fan of the Celtics, but I do loves the Kevin Garnett. So glad he finally got a ring! And it’s just too much to embed the Youtube vid, but I can’t help linking to it: his postgame interview with Michele Tafoya was beyond description. As I was watching it live, I feared for my safety even though the dude was a couple of zip codes away.


Danielle said...

That interview is absolutely hilariously nuts. I love him. You might like this breakdown of the interview at Slate:


I laughed out loud.

rr said...

Woot! I can finally retire from watching pro basketball. Three of my fave players in one swoop winning for Boston. How sweet is that? :)

And love that KG interview. That was just so bizarre.

Offtopic: That book you mentioned, The Black Swan, looks very interesting. I have to go look for a copy now.

Unknown said...

People should stop asking who the next MJ is (Kobe sure ain't). Who is the next Paul Pierce? :)

I'm so glad I drove to Boston to watch the game ... in a bar!

Snorklewacker said...

D: I was completely riveted to my TV for the whole glorious mess. Many, many thanks for the link to Slate. That was almost better than the actual interview!

Raoul: Definitely get/read that book - you won't regret it.

Anand: In a bar in Boston? You truly are an MBA now. ;)